nursing scrubs Australia

Infection Control: Essential Practices for Nurses in Healthcare Settings

Healthcare in Australia is renowned for its high quality and accessibility. Major cities like Sydney, Melbourne, and Brisbane boast world-class medical facilities and research institutions. In this healthcare landscape, nursing plays a pivotal role as a dedicated profession committed to patient care and safety, making it an essential part of Australia’s robust healthcare system. Meanwhile, infection control is a fundamental aspect of nursing practice, ensuring the safety of both patients and healthcare providers. So, it’s crucial for a nurse to uphold the highest standards of infection control to prevent the spread of infections in healthcare settings. Hence, this article will explore best practices for nurses in infection control while emphasising the importance of getting and using proper nursing scrubs Australia.

Hand Hygiene: The First Line of Defense

Proper hand hygiene is the cornerstone of infection control. Nurses should thoroughly wash their hands with soap and water for at least 20 seconds or use alcohol-based hand sanitisers when soap and water are not available. Hand hygiene should be practised before and after patient contact, after touching potentially contaminated surfaces, and after removing gloves.

Personal Protective Equipment (PPE)

Nurses should utilise appropriate PPE based on the nature of patient care. This includes gloves, gowns, masks, and eye protection when necessary. It’s essential to don and doff PPE correctly to prevent self-contamination and protect both patients and healthcare workers.

Respiratory Hygiene and Cough Etiquette

Educate patients and visitors about respiratory hygiene, which involves covering the mouth and nose when coughing or sneezing. Nurses should also lead by example by following proper respiratory hygiene and encouraging others to do the same. This practice minimises the transmission of respiratory infections.

Environmental Cleaning

Regular and thorough environmental cleaning is vital in preventing the spread of infections. Nurses should be aware of high-touch surfaces and ensure they are cleaned and disinfected regularly. Proper disposal of infectious waste is equally crucial.

Safe Injection Practices

Nurses must adhere to safe injection practices to prevent the transmission of bloodborne pathogens. This includes using an aseptic technique during injections, avoiding the reuse of needles and syringes, and ensuring the proper disposal of sharps.

Handling Contaminated Materials

Properly handle and dispose of contaminated materials, such as used dressings, needles, and other medical waste. Sharps should be placed in puncture-resistant containers, and biohazard waste should be sealed and disposed of following healthcare facility protocols.

Standard Precautions

Adhere to standard precautions, which assume that every patient is potentially infectious. This includes using appropriate PPE, practising proper hand hygiene, and taking precautions when handling blood and bodily fluids.

Donning and Doffing PPE

Master the art of donning (putting on) and doffing (removing) PPE to minimise the risk of contamination. Follow step-by-step guidelines provided by your healthcare facility and ensure that PPE is disposed of correctly.

Proper Use of Nursing Scrubs

Nursing scrubs play a crucial role in infection control. So, opt for scrubs made of high-quality, breathable fabric that can withstand frequent laundering. Ensure that scrubs are cleaned and changed regularly, especially when contaminated with bodily fluids. Comfortable and well-fitting nursing scrubs enhance mobility and comfort while providing a professional appearance in healthcare settings.


Infection control is an essential responsibility for nurses in healthcare settings. By following best practices such as proper hand hygiene, using appropriate PPE, practising respiratory hygiene, and maintaining a clean environment, nurses can help prevent the spread of infections. Additionally, investing in high-quality nursing scrubs in Australia is a practical step in maintaining personal hygiene and presenting a professional image. Ultimately, infection control is not just a practice; it’s a commitment to patient safety and the well-being of the entire healthcare community.