Moving Shipping containers

Leveraging Shipping Containers to Streamline Your Nationwide Roadshow

Shipping containers could simplify logistics as you plan your upcoming nationwide roadshow targeting new markets. These industrial crates enable packing collateral at once and efficiently transporting it between multiple locations. Moving Shipping containers allows you to optimise cargo space, protect gear from weather damage during transit, and simplify loading/unloading at each stop. So, this blog post advises effectively leveraging them to streamline transportation and logistics for your cross-country roadshow. Follow the guidance below to harness them for the smooth delivery of your events from start to finish.

Select the Optimal Shipping Vessel

When selecting shipping containers, thoroughly consider your roadshow cargo to pick the most optimal crates. Carefully assess the exact weight, dimensions, fragility and other characteristics of the types of collateral you will transport. Then, consult multiple suppliers on ideal container specifications to meet those requirements. Clarify options like renting, buying, leasing, or modifying. Making thoughtful, well-researched choices explicitly based on your specialised roadshow cargo prevents major transportation issues from arising down the road. Providing details on your cargo allows them to make informed recommendations. Likewise, consider elements like:

  • Heavy product displays will require sturdy containers that exceed maximum cargo weights.
  • A/V equipment exposed to outdoor elements requires weatherproof options with maximum interior climate control.
  • Valuable display prototypes may require advanced locking mechanisms, tamper-proof seals or security monitoring.
  • Oddly shaped display configurations could benefit from containers customised with non-standard interior dimensions.

Optimise Loading Plans and Inventory Tracking

Meticulously plan how to optimally utilise every inch of the space when packing roadshow collateral. First, comprehensively audit and categorise all items being transported. Then, map out detailed loading plans for efficiently arranging cargo by type, weight distribution, access priority and sequence for smooth loading/unloading. For example, group all pop-up banners and print collateral in one area near the doors for easy access. Place heavy equipment on the bottom and lighter items on top. Map locations of specific high-value prototypes for quick identification. Invest significant time upfront in meticulous planning to ensure straightforward packing and finding gear at each stop.To further streamline your roadshow logistics, utilizing a platform to search through loads can help you efficiently manage and coordinate the transportation of your shipping containers, ensuring timely and organized delivery to each event location.

Establish Detailed Inventory Tracking

Importantly, establish a very detailed inventory tracking process that documents the exact location of every item, however small. This tracking should note the precise container number, nearest reference point (e.g. walls/doors), and position coordinates like shelf number or distance from the floor. This level of documentation enables crew or event staff to quickly pinpoint, access and locate any specific piece of collateral exactly when needed onsite.

It also helps accurately identify in real-time if any inventory issues arise during the roadshow, such as damaged, stolen or misplaced items. They can be immediately addressed by noting discrepancies on the spot rather than afterwards to prevent problems at later tour stops. Invest time upfront in inventory planning and tracking for smooth ongoing cargo access.

Carefully Clean and Check Containers

When utilising shipping containers across a multi-stop nationwide roadshow spanning many weeks, they can gradually accumulate substantial interior dust, debris and general wear-and-tear that could seriously compromise cargo. Thus, it is essential to schedule periodic thorough cleanings and maintenance checks of these vessels during the entire roadshow duration.

Assess for any emerging structural or operational issues like faulty lock mechanisms, creaky doors/hinges, moisture seepage or torn fabric. Containers can appear perfectly clean on the exterior but still house sizeable dirt and debris accumulation internally over an extended roadshow. As such, consistent, rigorous inspection and cleaning preserves cargo integrity regardless of public appearance.


Your nationwide roadshow can reap major benefits by following guidance on choosing optimal containers, planning precise cargo loading configurations, establishing detailed inventory tracking, and maintaining container integrity in transit. Moving shipping containers simplifies packing while offering protection against weather, debris and unintended cargo shuffling. Leverage these industrial vessels to enable your event team to focus on successfully connecting with potential customers at every tour stop rather than stressing about logistics headaches.